Prices & Acceptance

All orders are for prompt acceptance only by the company’s home office. In the event of an increase or decrease in company prices, the prices on any order or contract will be the one in effect at the time of shipment.


Any sales, use, consumption, or other tax applicable to the sale, purchase, or use of the products is not included in the price shown on this order and shall be paid by the purchaser whenever due.


Payment terms are net cash within 30 days from the date of invoice. All orders are subject to the approval of our credit department.

Minimum Charge

The minimum charge on any order will be $500.00 net. Parcel post, freight, or express charges will be added. A $50.00 service fee will be added to orders under $500.00 net unless otherwise agreed upon.


Shipments will be routed to incur the lowest available transportation charges. All premium rate shipping services (air or rail), freight, etc., will be utilized when the customer specifies. The necessary extra charges will be added to our invoice for premium services. All shipments, unless otherwise specified, are F.O.B. warehouses. Claims for all shortages, damage, or non-delivery in transit shall be made by the consignee to the carrier. Request for proof of delivery must be submitted within 90 days from the date of shipment.

Freight Allowance

Freight will be F.O.B. warehouses unless otherwise agreed upon.

Export Shipments

Transportation charges on export shipments will be prepaid to any United States port of exit if said shipment complies with our standard of domestic condition for freight allowance.

Deliveries & Cancellations

All orders are considered firm contracts. If we are unable to meet requested delivery requirements and/or our expected dates of shipment, we shall not be liable for any claims for delays beyond our control, nor shall we accept cancellation or suspension unless mutually agreed upon in writing.


We do not add extra charges for standard packing required by transport companies for domestic or non-ocean shipments. Additional charges may be applied to cover the cost of extra packing, special engineering, servicing, or other unusual elements, including overtime authorized by the purchaser, which have not been contemplated.

Export Packaging

Price on application.


We will defend and hold harmless purchasers of our products against charges of infringement or apparatus claims of the United States Patents issued at the time the product is ordered, providing such charges are based exclusively on mechanical infringement by a product designed and manufactured by us. Before this responsibility shall arise, we must be notified in writing and tendered the right to defend, settle, or make any changes for the purpose of avoiding infringements. Under no circumstances will our liability exceed the purchase price of the product furnished by us.


Product Class Definition

S: Products that are standard, normally inventoried, and regularly manufactured.

N: Products that are non-standard, made to order, and infrequently manufactured.

Types of Returns

Type A – Incorrect Shipments: Products that are shipped and are not in conformance with your purchase order may be returned for credit if the product is returned within 45 days of the incorrect shipment.

Type B – Improperly Ordered Product: Products that are shipped in accordance with a normal purchase order are your responsibility. A product ordered in error may be returned for credit with a replacement order of equal value within 45 days of the original order placement. After 45 days, a 15% restocking charge will apply; freight charges remain your responsibility.

Type C – Quality or Failure Analysis: Contact Promac Engineering if you believe there is a potential quality problem or premature failure/defect. An RGA will be initiated for return to our Engineering Department. Note on the RGA the reason for rejection. Unless otherwise noted, the product will be scrapped 45 days after receipt.

Returned Goods

The product is considered “S.”

The product is undamaged and in resalable condition.

An RGA will be issued after receipt of an offsetting order of equal value (Type “B” returns only).

Product requiring inspection or reboxing will require a 15% restocking charge.

Credit will not be issued for products damaged or not in resalable condition.

Returns must reference the original purchase order.

To initiate the return of a product, please contact Promac International, Inc., at (440) 967-2040 or fax your request to (440) 967-2045. Products will not be accepted for return without prior authorization.

Return Procedure

For Type B returns: provide an offsetting order of equal value.

Deduct or credit to your debit and immediately advise us of any discrepancy.

Identify the RGA number on the outside of the shipping container.

Ship the product prepaid to our main facility (Vermilion, Ohio).


Product Class S: Cancellation charges of 15% will apply if the original order is over 45 days.

Product Class N: All orders are non-cancelable and non-returnable.

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